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Manage your finances in the cloud

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance is a solution for financial management of large and medium-sized companies. The solution brings together efficient and highly automated processes, modern reporting and forecasting tools, and industry best practices. It helps you make the right decisions and drive the growth of your business based on actual insights.

Are your financial management tools in order?

Contact our experts to find out if Dynamics 365 Finance is the right solution for your company's financial management needs.

Contact us

We combine Finland's leading financial management expertise with our strong Dynamics 365 Finance expertise

Logo BA+Finance

Leading financial management experts at your service

We have been involved in developing the financial management processes and systems of more than 100 Finnish organizations. Our experienced financial management experts are sought-after and award-winning trainers, whose strong expertise is at your disposal from choosing a financial management solution all the way to continuous development and support.

Pioneering cloud-based financial management systems

We’ve been delivering Dynamics AX and Dynamics 365 as cloud services since Efima was founded – even before Microsoft took its business applications to the cloud. With more than 10 years of experience, we know D365 Finance thoroughly, and as our customer, you have access to all the know-how we have accumulated along the way.

Understanding business is combined with system expertise

At Efima you will find the largest team of Dynamics 365 Finance experts in Finland. We truly understand our customers' business and its unique challenges and opportunities. Only in this way can we ensure that we always offer the most fit-for-purpose solution for the individual needs of your company. We dare to challenge the norm and are actively involved in making your financial management processes even more efficient and automated.

The Finance Specialization status requires that the Microsoft partner meets strict criteria related to, among other things, technical expertise, business growth and expert certifications.
↑ The Finance Specialization status requires that the Microsoft partner meets strict criteria related to, among other things, technical expertise, business growth and expert certifications.

Announcement | Efima’s financial management expertise received a rare recognition from Microsoft – the only domestic Finance Specialization partner

Efima has received a rare Finance Specialization recognition from Microsoft, which demonstrates Efima’s ability to provide its customers with top-class service on the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance cloud platform. Efima is currently the only domestic and one of the few partners in the world who have achieved this partnership status.

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Sanoma Media Finland's Finance Manager Veera Roti advises not to be afraid of change:
↑ Sanoma Media Finland's Finance Manager Veera Roti advises not to be afraid of change: "People have shown their ability to adapt and learn at an incredibly fast pace."

Case Sanoma Media Finland | Significant financial management transformation project rewarded: Finland's largest commercial media company transitioned from SAP to Dynamics 365

Sanoma Media Finland's Finance Manager Veera Roti talks about an extensive financial management change project, in which Sanoma Media Finland's financial management moved from SAP to the Dynamics 365 Finance platform with the support of Efima.

Case Sanoma Media Finland


Why Dynamics 365 Finance?

Dynamics 365 Finance covers everything you need for effective financial management of your business. With real-time and transparent financial reporting and intelligent forecasting, you can lead your business based on actionable insights.

D365 Finance helps you optimize your resources and costs throughout your organization. Highly automated processes, built-in best practices, and seamless compatibility with other business applications reduce the amount of manual work and free up your financial management experts for more strategic tasks.

Cloud-based Dynamics 365 Finance grows and evolves with your business. Thanks to its continuous development, your company is constantly on the cutting edge of technology and you always have access to the latest features and functionalities. As your partner, we'll help you evaluate which of the new features will suit your business needs, and we'll also support you with the update procedures.

Talk to an expert

Please contact our expert below who has the best knowledge of the subject. You can also submit a message or contact request using the form.

Kai Lyytinen

Kai Lyytinen

Business Director, Microsoft
+358 40 830 1217